Saturday, July 26, 2008

God DOES work in mysterious ways

So tonight was not the best evening. Not because I was home and alone. That wasn't a bother. I've got plenty planned for the rest of the weekend, and as a Christian what I do on the weekend doesn't decide my happiness anyway. The problem was my Christian contentment virtually vanished around 9:30. Not for any reason I can figured out either.

So I start reading the Christian book I'm into right now. Pray through it at points and after 5-7 pages give up on it. Too tired and my laptop was calling my name. 15 minutes later after reorganizing my bookmarks on Firefox I realize the Joy is back!!! God DOES work in mysterious ways! ;-) Since my Restoration (Micah 7:8-9), I've realized my theology and education in the workings of the Holy Spirit is lacking, but I guess God answered those short prayers I prayed as I was reading.

Now if I could just start doing devotions in the morning instead of only in the evening...Gotta work on that one. As it is right now, I'm most joyful in the evenings and the farthest from God in the mornings. :-( It has nothing to do with work, really! :-)

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