Monday, December 31, 2007


Beast Wars and Mark Driscoll are now on the Youtube. I've added Shelfari, too. Poor Browns...I actually wanted them to go to the Play-offs!? Oh well, Favre will be there awhile. And Eli Manning had a pretty good game and almost had the upset of the decade! That's all for now, gotta email some of you all. I think my next post will be pretty heavy on the theology. ;-)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Video Bar

FYI: My video bar's keywords are, "Transformers, Bill Hybels, and Bishop N.T. Wright." God and Transformers; what more could a young, American, evangelical, bachelor want? -LOL-

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Baby Boo-boos

So my cousin and his wife (well, his wife) gave birth to their first daughter today. 6 lbs., 2 ozs. They induced labor because the Drs. believed the baby was actually over 8 lbs. How you mess that up I don't know, but they did. Daughter Bihl could have stayed in the womb another week or more.

As far as I know, this 2 day old baby girl is unnamed at this point. I understand the parents were going to name the child after my grandmother, then they seemed to back away from that idea, and I understand the parents are taking some heat for reconsidering naming the baby "Lola" after my grandmother who is the subject of my last post. You just can't have second thoughts like that and not expect resistance. We can all now expect that if she is not named after my grandmother she will be referred to as "the relative formerly known as Lola" for the next 20 years. Maybe my uncle and I could even design a symbol for her that sort of looks like my grandmother? ;-)

Perhaps Isaac G. will ask her out someday, tambien?

A real saint

I often come home tired and emotionally spent. Monday was no exception. I really did not want to talk about work when I went to my Grandmother's to eat, but all Grandma did was remind me of it the whole time I was there. Sometimes I just need to get all the burdens of people's needs off my back like anyone else. As I ate, I found out that a man had stopped by her house that day to clean her gutters, but that job was done. He then said he needed money to pay his water bill (sounds a lot like my job), so she had him put out her outdoor Christmas lights and rake her leaves. She also fed him and his wife and gave them $25.00 and told the man to come back the next day to finish the leaves. I'm sure she gave him more money yesterday, too. As if that was not enough, she tells me that in addition to the one Giving Tree child she picked up from CAReS that she bought $30-$40 worth of toys for 2-5 year olds from Dollar General that could go to any child, anywhere. She has no clue who will get these toys that cover a whole bed.

I'm not sure I would do the things my grandmother does sometimes, I need to get started though. I'm (we're) the one(s) who God has called to be put in those situations for most of this century. Grandma's nearly 80 and sooner than any of my relatives will like, she'll be singing with the angels.

I should go to bed now, I should have a long time ago. I had something else to write as well, but I don't know what that is now. I just have this vague idea that it was really good stuff. -LOL- :-(

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Huxtables

I went to see some best friends of mine last weekend. They have a house now, a new baby, and a few other new things too. I was a little concerned because there have been times these past few years I have shown no interest in babies at all. That seemed to start after my ex and I broke up; we had talked a lot about having children someday and after the breakup I could have cared less about children for awhile. But I think this 6 month old and I hit it off faster than me and his Daddy did during college.

During football timeouts, commercials, and even during football games I found myself playing with one of the happiest little guys I have ever seen. I was a little scared to handle him at first, but after seeing how hard both his parents played with him I knew I couldn't do much wrong. Heck, I may have even bored the kid a little at times! When the little Red Sox was asleep we all watched football, movies, or just talked about life, church, or healthcare. The Mrs. is a doctor.

I have to say I'm awfully proud of my two buddies. This little guy is going to grow up with a fun Dad who will also be a good father, as well. His Mom is no slouch either, but I'll never play her role. I tried to take notes, and when the time hopefully comes for me I may end up calling my buddies for lessons on how to make my child laugh without hurting him.

They are so funny, too. He annoys her, they argue, and always kiss and make up. I love just listening to them bicker! Just like Cliff and Claire Huxtable, and Theo is well on his way. Thanks Aaron, Jenny, and Isaac. I had a great time. Can't wait to see you three again.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Instant Karma

I am two or three weeks behind in writing this post, but as I am still listening to the album the blog must be worth writing. I am talking about Amnesty International's John Lennon tribute album Instant Karma: Save Darfur or something close to that title. It has to be the best album I have heard since John Mayer's Continuum. Gimme Some Truth by Jakob Dylan and Dhani Harrison is currently my favorite song:

I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
I’ve had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of soap
Money for dope
Money for rope
I’m sick to death of seeing things
From tight-lipped, condescending, mama’s little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth now
I’ve had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of soap
It’s money for dope
Money for rope
Ah, I’m sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
I’ve had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

Monday, August 6, 2007


I hate to say something that might lead to some difficult discussions, but if this blog is going to mostly be about me then this really needs mentioning.

After a month of summer traveling I seem to have recognized that everytime I go to a big American city I want to get a normal job and move to a similar place. I have been to Grand Rapids, Washington DC, and Sacramento in the last 5 weeks. The desire to do missions work in another country fades away when I am there. This is extremely frustrating and concerns me greatly. No one I meet seems as concerned about fulfilling the Great Commission as I do, and it makes me wonder if I should do what I "want" sometimes and live the seemingly easier average, American Christian life. I already have some moderate health concerns and the near promise of being able to fund a 401K each year and have good healthcare seems really good compared to possibly not being able to fund a retirement plan during the lean times as a missionary and having to fly to another country to see a competent doctor. I feel called to help bring the Kingdom of God to this world, to spiritually lead people, I know changes need to be made to this world, but I don't feel like I should make a vow of poverty. Perhaps because none of my closest friends have either? Perhaps because I live in the second or third poorest region of the whole United States and I just have issues because I have met a few missionaries in my life that have a higher standard of living overseas than I do in south central Ohio.

There's also the issue that there is little time for my Savior when I take these 4 day weekends and try to catch up on old friendships. I get dry and it takes time to recover from that. Yet, I was reading E. Stanley Jones recently and he talked about Christians who have given up the world, but have not given up themselves. Sometimes that seems like me. I also know that praying on my knees does wonders for me, but that I haven't done that much since June. And heck, I am just plain exhausted right now.

I meet with OMS in October. A lot can happen by then, one thing that seems to be likely to happen is that the agency I am an AmeriCorps VISTA for may hire me fulltime. That would be nice, but the position is based on a grant, and it may not last that long. It will last long enough for me to know whether or not I like it. In the mean time, I need to nap and pray.

(Edit) I want to be clear that I know this problem is caused by me. My friends do nothing wrong that I know of, they just act differently than I expect them to act. I need to figure out why I am so influenced by them, and why I can't be content being my own man. (end Edit)

Just keep me where the light is...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wonder what I will decide?

This is from a friend:

"There is a great decision that every denomination has to make sometime in the development of its history. Every church also has to make it either at its beginning or a little later -- usually a little later. Eventually every board is faced with the decision and has to keep making it, not by one great decision made once for all, but by a series of little decisions adding up to one great big one. Every pastor has to face it and keep renewing his decision on his knees before God. Finally, every church member, every evangelist, every Christian has to make this decision. It is a matter of judgment upon that denomination, that church, that board, that pastor, that leader and upon their descendants and spiritual children.

The question is this: Shall we modify the truth in doctrine or practice to gain more adherents? Or shall we preserve the truth in doctrine and practice and take the consequences?

A commitment to preserving the truth and practice of the church is what separates me from a great many people who are perhaps far greater than I am in ability. This is my conviction, long held and deeply confirmed by a knowledge of the fact that modern gospel churches, almost without exception, have decided to modify the truth and practice a little in order to have more adherents and get along better."
(A.W. Tozer)

Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you.
(2 Timothy 1:13-14)

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Blog's Title

Some asked me already what my blog's title and subtitle referred to. I was disappointed because I thought it was an easy piece of Christian trivia for this friend. It is so not C.S. Lewis...

It's J.R.R. Tolkien and The Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chapter VII; page 357 of my copy. "I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Galadriel."

I know Tolkien did not write the trilogy to parallel Christianity like Lewis often wrote his works, but I think there are so many Christian themes in The Lord of the Rings and this perhaps obscure quote reflects the direction I would like my life to go in.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


I thought after a month of having this blog I should write something in it. I will start it by saying a few things about myself. I'm a short, single, non-conformist, culturally-sensitive Christian man who loves his friends and family and struggles to hate them and leave them as Jesus commanded. I long to be like everyone else, but feel powerful callings to be different than nearly everyone else. The thing in life I want to change about myself is that I get really excited about things at first, but have a history giving up at the last minute. I am naturally a perfectionist that fears failure, but I have learned that I must risk failure to truly live the life God has called me to, whatever that is. My trust in him must never completely waver.

Sometimes I want to be a monk, as long as I would never get lonely. I was raised United Methodist, but now I love everything about contemporary, culturally relevant churches. College made me believe Roman Catholicism may be the right way to go, but I was never truly convinced of it. I never felt called to be a celibate priest or understood the veneration of Mary and the Saints, but I understand the mystery behind it and Greek Orthodoxy. Protestantism is usually too simplicist. I think I would have been alright if I was born to a catholic family, but what would I have grown up to be? A priest or monk is doubtful though possible; maybe a businessman, doctor, or social worker? Would I be as joyful and happy in those professions as I am now in this leg of the journey of my life?

I prefer reading the Church Fathers and Christian scholars to contemporary, easy to read works. Though I love Donald Miller and I like Bill Hybels despite his business influences, and I have not made a decision yet on whether or not Rob Bell has flown the coop. I'm a guy who likes classical Christian literature and contemporary Christian music. I like most of it, some of the fringe bands and the well known ones. I like Caedmon's Call despite our theological differences and still love the Newsboys despite no longer being twelve years old. Third Day, Jars of Clay and Pedro the Lion are also favorites. Oh, and I can't handle listening to only Christian music on the radio, some of it is unoriginal and less than good music. Jeremy Camp gets way too much air play on KLOV and AIR1. When my good Christian CDs are missing or I have played them too much, a lot of "secular music" also helps me unwind and enjoy myself.

I've learned to trust him with the uncertain and scarier parts of Christian living, to go all the way, to not fear failure or make a bad choice. I've applied to a mission agency and several churches this past year and whichever offers me a position first I will take. If it be missions, I have to trust he will take care of my personal needs and give me the financial support I will need. I have to remember at all times I am not the first person to entrust him with these things. I'm excited to begin serving on the field or in a church and right now more excited about the field, but the things the devil seems to tempt me with the most is doubt and worldly pleasures which always seem better in my head than they do in reality. My memory of Ruby Tuesday, the Gap, or a concert is always better than my live experience there. We all need to remember that what God asks us to do is never unusual and that our Father knows best.

Did I mention I dislike cheesy lines? I do, but that one actually says what I wanted to say the best.

Bye for now.